Marine scientists waste thousands of hours using tedious sampling techniques and manual data analysis methods, crippling their research output.

That's why we're here.

BlueCounter automates all marine data analysis through artificial intelligence.

Blue Counter's

Products & Services

Underwater Video Analysis

Streamline video data analysis from Underwater Visual Census (UVC) or Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) studies through artificial intelligence – automatically count and classify species in hundreds of hours of underwater video data using BlueCounter Analytics now.

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Underwater Video Analysis

Microscope Imaging

Light microscopes are essential to marine microbiology and microfossil analyses. Use artificial intelligence to power these investigations now – automatically count, classify and measure hundreds of cells on hundreds of microscopic slides using BlueCounter Analytics.

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Microscope Imaging

Drone Footage

Aerial drone videography is essential to studying surface-dwelling marine animals like otters, whales and dolphins. Accelerate your drone footage anaylsis by automatically analysing hundreds of hours of video data using BlueCounter Analytics.

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Drone Footage

Transect Studies

A fundamental in ecology, transect studies are a popular method to understand interactions between coastal organisms. Save manpower, time and human error by simply photographing each transect and letting BlueCounter Analytics automatically count and classify each species in your area of study.

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Transect Studies

How we Work

Consult with us

Talk to an expert about your marine data needs, and we’ll customise our AI algorithms to produce the tailor-made outputs.


Data Restructuring

BlueCounter decides the best platforms for you to store newly collected data for seamless integration with BlueCounter systems.


Receive BlueCounter Reports

BlueCounter analytics automatically processes all your stored data, providing monthly data reports. This way you can focus on your study, instead of on the tedious data analysis.


What’s Happening

Life Below Water

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

BlueCounter’s AI is as accurate as trained taxonomists, with the added benefit numerical error metrics. Set up a call to watch a demonstration
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BlueCounter aims to streamline your research costs, not add to them. Our consultants provide custom service plans to ensure our AI suits both your budgeting and research needs. Find out how we make research affordable through a free consultation
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To ensure our work suits your needs, BlueCounter gives all clients a free demonstration of their custom software. Schedule a consultation and request your free trail now
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No. We analyse all your data for you, giving monthly data reports so you can focus on your research. Schedule a consultation to see how we customise these data reports to suits your research goals
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